Friday, September 9, 2011

Donated blood today!
My iron level has gone from 99 to 146 in the last 2 months! Awesome :)
It took me 6 minutes to fill up my pint.
Tried to go get a new phone but the guy told me I had to pay to cancel my old contract before I can start a new one, which would cost me about 200 bucks. So instead, I'm going to wait until my phone actually dies and get a replacement one sent to me through my 'insurance' plan.
Then when my contract expires in a year and a half, I'll get a new phone. Sounds good to me!
Working today at 5. I guess Jeff (the human resources guy at United Cycle) liked me so much he doesn't care enough to wait for my references. I guess he tried to contact them a few times and they were playing phone tag, so when he called me yesterday, he offered me the job and told me that even though he hasn't checked my references, he wants to hire me anyways and hopes it's not a mistake. Haha. Yay for me making a good first impression.
Now it's 30 degrees outside right now, so I'm going to sit on my balcony and drink iced green tea and read.
Have a fantastic Friday guys :)
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

1 comment:

AN said...

Balcony?!? I didn't notice a balcony!! COOL!!!