Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I feel so mature these days.
I've finally hunkered down and have time management skills.
I finished most of one of my assignments today even though it isn't due until next Tuesday.
I have 4 assignments due every Tuesday and one due on Wednesdays.
SOOO... I am going to have to do almost one assignment a day to keep up with the times.
So much work, but I think I can totally do it.

Work was fun tonight. Did nothing but clean up and 'recover' the activewear section. It was dead dead dead inside the store. Haha.

I have a math review quiz on Friday. Going home on Friday! EEEEEEEE!
I cannot wait! :)
Date with Josh on Friday, lunch with Layla on Saturday, Amanda's Bday celebration on Saturday night :) Then getting a ride with Ty back to Edmonton, partying like an animal Saturday night, work Sunday, do homework. It's gonna be a busy weekend!

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