Monday, September 12, 2011

Here is my weekend so far in point form:
Donated blood.
Worked on Friday starting at 5. Sat through lame-o powerpoints and met some cool people at orientation.
Had a drink with Amanda, Liz, and Kate at O'Byrnes.
Ate junk at home and went to bed.
Worked at 10 on Saturday. Sat through more powerpoints, then got to work on the floor.
Learned about the different types of feet and how to analyze a person's foot posture in order to match them with a good pair of shoes.
Learned that I have neutral feet even though my feet are very flat (little to no arch) which is a very uncommon occurence. I can wear the 'bare foot' runners and they should feel really good. I will buy a pair soon.
Worked until 5 30. Home and watched Jersey Shore until 7 30 when I went to pick up Jeff's car to go to the casino and volunteer.
Counted cash twice and saw a whole bunch of money in front of my eyes.
Went downtown to pick up Josh from his friend's and we hung out for the night at my apartment.
Woke up and dropped Josh off at his friend's place.
Dropped off Jeff's car at Lister.
Worked out: 8k in total with a full upper body arm workout

Pretty good weekend! Jenn (my roommate) asked me if I was on speed or something to give me this much energy to be on the go so much. Haha.
I think I'm ready for the Terry Fox Run.
That 8k (although split into 3 legs) didn't feel bad at all.
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry

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