Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hey y'all!
I haven't blogged in forever.
Here's the update on my life... Well most of it. (Other things I can't tell you :p)

I finished work on Wednesday! Hurray!
I laughed at Steve because he found out he had appendicitis and got his appendix taken out on Monday. Now his beer gut is even larger than before!
Josh took me out on a date to sushi on Wednesday and it was fun. He is a cutie patootie.
I moved into my apartment in Edmonton on Thursday. It's beautiful! And I can't wait to actually live there in a few days. So conveniently located!
I had a job interview on Thursday at United Cycle and they basically told that I have the job. They just have to do reference checks and then they will call me back on Tuesday or Wednesday to let me know. Orientation is Friday and Saturday.
I had a sleepover with Layla and Bretton Thursday night after my family barbecue. It was one of my favorite birthdays because it was low key and I got to spend it with loved ones :) I learned things about those 2 girls that I didn't really know before which was awesome.
I saw Layla's dad in the hospital. He had a near fatal car accident a few weeks ago, but he luckily survived and has recovered really well and should be going home in the next week or so.
I went to Edmonton with Amanda to see her friends Janice, Jody, Kate, and Lizzie. They are a great group of girls. We went to Julio's and ate yummy food and I drank margaritas! Then we went to Diamond's! My favorite place :p I won a magnet and a poster. Hurray!
Today I am heading to Banff with Amanda, Jody, and Jody's boyfriend Andrew. We are going hiking at some point in time :)

Hope you all have a fantastic long weekend!!!! <3
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