Saturday, September 24, 2011

Summary of my date with Josh:

Picked him up at his home and went to Mongolie Grill!
YUM YUM YUM. I got a stir fry with broccoli, onions, pepper, sprouts, mushrooms, and noodles! Coconut curry and szechuan sauce on my stir fry. SOOO TASTY. I love the rice wraps there.
Josh knew the hostess and then a guy came in with his family and he knew that guy too. Haha. He was like, "I'm on a date" to both of them. Wow. Awkward. I was like, um... glad you're happy we're on a date?
So then our dinner went til like 7 40 so we couldn't make it to an early movie. So we went back to his place. I talked to his mom while he sat in the basement. Haha. I love old(er) people. They are fun and exciting to talk to. His mom makes soap and jewelry out of silverware and sells it at the farmer's market here in town! So cool! She told me how to make soap and it sounds pretty interesting.
We watched Man vs. Food in his basement. OMG. That guy is insane. He ingested 6 pounds of fritatta for one episode and then 5 pounds of a combo of burger, hot dog, fries, soda and milkshake in 20 minutes. WTF.
Then we went to the late show of Moneyball. Well acted, good script, well directed and everything, it just didn't have an interesting storyline to me. Haha. So respectable but boring. Haha. Kind of like Wall-E was a total bust for me. Josh fell asleep in the movie. Also he is really loud and makes a scene whenever he is anywhere. Kind of funny but I don't want to be that girl with the obnoxious loud guy!
Finally, we went back to his home and I listened to him and his dad exchange pot smoking stories. Plus his dad told me about how he goes and samples soils for his job which is slightly interesting because I kind of want to go into soils for my specialty in civil engineering. We watched some weird movie on Netflix where I proceeded to fall asleep on the couch until 6 30 a.m. HAHA. Oops.
Overall, fun night. Plus he wore a nice button up on our date. At least he tried to look good for me :)

1 comment:

AN said...

You don't have to just be the girl with the obnoxious loud guy. You can be the obnoxious loud girl with the obnoxious loud guy!! Then it's no big deal!