Monday, September 12, 2011

Slept in today by accident.
I set my alarm for 6 30 am and woke up at 7 20 am. Oops!
Got ready in about 10 minutes and then hopped on the bus to get to school.
Hilariously ended up in class about 5 minutes earlier than when I had woken up at the proper time. Haha.
I need to buy one of my textbooks and then some pencils at some point in time today.
In class at the moment. Already bored of everything.
Also really don't want to apply for jobs. I dread the whole co-op job finding process. So annoyingly long and employers are very strange in choosing interviews with you. I don't understand the thinking behind all of it.
Oh well.
Have a good Monday. Soooo busy today.
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