Monday, January 16, 2012

Bad karma bad karma bad karma.
I have bad karma for being a bad girl.
For constantly kissing other boys while being with Josh.
For talking smack about people behind their backs.
For being two faced.
Must stop this bull and be a nicer person.
Tabitha cancelled on me for the City and Colour concert on the 26th because she thought it was on the 25th, the Wednesday, and therefore she would not have a lab the day after at 8 30 a.m. to go to.
POO. But my awesome sis Mandy pants will be coming instead :)
Made vegetarian chili today but it is lacking flavor due to me using fresh tomatoes instead of canned ones.
Gotta go to choir now!

1 comment:

AN said...

Is the flavour-lacking chili part of the bad karma? :P Thanks for letting me invite myself, ha ha.