Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So this week has been pretty busy so far.
On Monday, I had my H2S Alive training, and I went to the gym right after. I saw Abhishek and Pat at the gym. They are both idiots. I found out that I lift a higher weight of free weight than Abhishek. And afterwards, I had choir which was fun, but I think I'm getting sick of the music since we've been practicing it for so long.
On Tuesday, I went to work and was busy all day working on some borehole logs. Then I came home and relaxed for a bit before going to the gym with Emily. We had a good workout. She's definitely motivated to work out, but I'm afraid that she isn't pushing herself enough, yet I don't want to push her until after a month or so in the gym. Afterwards, we went to a pub downtown and had some dinner and drinks.
I thought they had their whole menu, but since they opened, they only had a whole bunch of meat products on their menu, and I had 2 choices. Edamame beans or olive and bread. So I got olives, and I got two big bowls of olives for two tiny slices of focaccia bread. Someone needs to re-think that menu item. Oh well!
Today, I have work all day, and then work at United Cycle right after at 5 30 to 9 15. I am then going to come home, do some yoga, and go to bed.
Tomorrow, I have work all day, then I'll get ready for dinner with the guy I met on New Years Eve named Eric. We are going to Culina's which I've never been to, but it should be good. I don't even remember what Eric looks like, so that should be interesting... Haha.
So far this year, I've only run 5 kilometers. But at least it's a start. When I was at the gym yesterday, I was wondering why 2 miles was so hard to run, until I remembered that I donated blood on Saturday and that I've worked out every day since then. HEHE.
Hope you're all having good weeks as well!

1 comment:

AN said...

Uhhhhh. Maybe you were supposed to press your own olive oil so you could dip your bread in it?