Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today was the most intense hot yoga class that I've had in a really long time.
The series of poses wasn't necessarily that hard, but it was the heat and humidity of the room.
I swear I managed to get heat exhaustion in the hour that I was in that room. By the time the last fifteen or so minutes of the class, I wanted to resign to child's pose, but I pushed through, had momentary dizziness that almost led to me falling over. I did resign to child's pose, but only long enough to gain enough energy to do a bit more.
I'm so motivated to lead my healthy life style and explore the fitness world.
Rock climbing is definitely in the books. As well as a half marathon. And probably biking when summer comes along. I want to bike to work, which would probably take a solid hour in the morning? Triathlon here I come :)

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