It's official. I don't think I could ever date someone who doesn't work out and worry about eating right.
I've been through my chips, candy, eat junk phase, and I'm ready to get in the best nutritional and physical shape I've ever been in. My junk food this week consisted of maybe a few too many chocolates and deep fried seafood from Red Lobster and a few too many beers. No chips though, and I didn't eat a complete meal of junk.
I've gotten 7 servings of fruit/veggies a day, taken my iron and multivitamin, and drank milk or ate greek yogurt each day to get dairy. Protein? Seafood and yogurt and almonds. I feel like I'm doing well so far!
Worked out on Wednesday with Emily. Going to hot yoga tonight. Did situps everyday except Tuesday this week to work on my abbies. Work time!
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