Our date last night was good actually. We were at the restaurant for 4 hours! I met him at Culina just off Saskatchewan drive last night at 7 and didn't leave til a little bit after 11. It was good conversation. He did not look like what I thought he looked like at all. My best description of him would be that he has short brown hair, average frame, about 5'9", and stereotypical white man look to him? My description sucks. He isn't overly attractive and not unattractive either. Although his vampire teeth deter me a little bit from being attracted him.
We had delicious food. He had blue cheese and chocolate sauce on a steak on top of mashed potatoes, and I had something called Moroccan Vegetable Tagine. It was a spicy, red sauced, rich sauce on top of couscous with a variety of vegetables in the sauce. It was delicious. And then we shared a desert of chocolate cake with whipped goat cheese and pepita brittle on top. That was also incredibly good.
I like that restaurant! I offered to pay my half but he said he would do it the 'old-school way' and pay for it all. How nice! And then he walked me to my car and we hugged and left it at that.
Overall rating of the night: uhhh... 8? I guess. For the night, but my attraction to him is minimal and I feel no chemistry with him. But! He gets bonus points for owning a cat named Monster. Pretty cool. And for wearing a dress shirt and trying to look nice, although I think the shirt was a tad bit small.
Is his cat cute?!?! Did you get to see pics on his phone?!?
Ummm. And the food sounds interesting and delicious!
And...maybe he was hoping his shirt would show off his muscles!
Yay for it being a good date. Will he know there was no chemistry?
His cat is very cute! It is marbled with orange, white, and black an is not fluffy but apparently quite the trouble maker!
He had no muscles :( So sad. And is slightly too occupied and stressed by school than I would want anyone to be.
I hope he knows. He didn't try to kiss me at the end of the date which was good!
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