Sunday, January 8, 2012

Went to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last night and fell asleep for a couple minutes in it. Haha. Apparently I started snoring. But it was a good movie! Rachelle and I hit up IKEA and I bought nothing, and then we went to Moxies for food appies and dessert and drinks, and then to the movies.
This morning I was supposed to go work out at 9 am with Emily, but she texted me saying she was sick, so I slept in because I was exhausted. Most likely from donating blood yesterday. So then I called in sick to work because I wanted a day off this week, even though I only had 4 days of real work last week, I didn't feel like going today. Plus I'm still super tired even though I slept in and had about 9 hours of sleep. Still feeling effects of blood loss probably.
The plan for today, lie in be all day and take a 2 hour break from bed to go to Sunday Detox Hot Yoga! Wash sheets and clean my room and sleep. Oh sleep, I've missed you.

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