Saturday, March 12, 2011

day 10 - discuss your first love and first kiss.

Has it really been 10 days already?!

Hmmm. First love. I actually don't know if it was love or not, but I think it is. They always say you never forget your first love and I always think about him and I don't know why so it might have been love. I was so young and immature back then now that I think about it, and I wish now that I had appreciated it for all it was rather than rushing on to the next guy. All the stories I had heard from people were all about how 'bad' this guy was, and how terribly he treated girls, but when he was with me, it wasn't like that at all. The first time I realized how different I was to him was when his dog was really really sick, and he called me and told me and then proceeded to tell me how he thought calling me would make him feel better. It didn't, because I loved that dog too and just made him feel sad because I was sad after too, but that is besides the point. I just remember how we had so much fun doing nothing. Driving around the city, watching movies, buying the most random things. I always wonder, what if I hadn't been so scared of being hurt, if I hadn't chosen to move on and date someone else, but now I feel like it was for the best. He was never going to be 'good enough' for me, and I know that now. Things are different now as an adult. I have responsibilities and different friends and a different view of the world. He never would have fit it. But there is always that question in the back of my mind, what if?

There is really no story for my first kiss. It wasn't special, it didn't make my heart beat, and it is just a distant memory. I wouldn't want one of those crazy movie first kiss stories. If my first kiss was like that, then all the other ones would just seem disappointing! Haha. If you want my real first kiss, it was in grade 1 when this guy Blaine was being a silly 6 year old and telling the story of what happened in one of the Simpsons episodes that he watched. Apparently Homer and Marge kissed, because he said 'and then they did this!' and grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips! I was soooo mad because he was the most annoying kid ever and told him to shut up and then Mr.Mason got mad at me. Haha. Silly grade one kids.

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