Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 2 - where you’d like to be in 10 years.

In 10 years, I just want to be happy. Happiness is everything I could ask for, so I hope I am doing something with my life that I truly enjoy rather than just floating through life doing something I hate and just doing the bare minimum to get through. Life is short, kind of, haha, and basically I want to make the most that I can of it. I have adopted a sort of existential way of thinking about life, just getting by day to day and taking things for what they are, rather than dwelling on them forever and not enjoying the good things because of how much negativity is going on in life as well. I remember this story that I read or someone told me, and it was about this man who was punished by a god, and for the rest of his life, he would spend the days rolling a big rock up a great big hill. Everyday he would repeat rolling the rock up the hill, and it took all day everyday. But eventually he learned that life would be this way forever, so he accepted it, and began to enjoy it, and that is when he learned his greatest lesson. Everything can be positive if you make it that way.
So in 10 years, I have no idea where I'll be or what I will be doing, but I know that I will be happy and taking everything one day at a time. Hopes are that I will be happily married, I will have traveled to a few places, and I will be living a healthy lifestyle. I'm starting to consider becoming a personal trainer, so that might end up happening. I also have my mind set on running a marathon before I die, so I hope in 10 years I can achieve this goal.

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