Sunday, March 6, 2011

day 3 - your views on drugs and alcohol.

Drugs... Hmmm. I think drugs are okay if they are the ones where you cannot develop a physical addiction to it. I mean heroine and cocaine are not okay. I remember learning about how if you try even a little bit, your body will want it again and it will want it badly. Anything can be addictive psychologically, so I mean, marijuana is addictive to some people but not to others, just as eating can be addictive and emotional to some people but not to others. Alcohol is like this as well. I think it depends on the person and whether or not they are mentally strong enough to handle the drugs and/or alcohol. Not that I would recommend it, but I mean, there is nothing wrong with trying it if you know that you will not have that craving and addictive need for it.

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