Saturday, March 19, 2011

Missed a few days again... :S

day 13 - somewhere you’d like to move or visit.
3 requirements for somewhere to move/visit:
  1. Beach nearby.
  2. Hot hot hot.
  3. Cute cafes, boutiques, and ice cream shops to hang out at.
  4. *optional* hot men!
Pretty much anywhere with those is somewhere I would like to go. Well, maybe it goes a lot deeper than that. I want somewhere exotic where the culture is crazy different. Where everything makes me go WOAH crazy! I need more. I want excitement. I want to feel life, to feel its ups and downs and its spontaneity. A place that gives me a chance to suddenly be a different person and to start over is all I really want.

day 14 - your earliest memory.
I don't even know if I have a clear earliest memory. It is hard to say whether or not these things actually happened or if they are just vivid dreams, because whenever I bring these things up, nobody involved seems to remember. I remember when I was young, Amanda was lying beside the parent's bed, and I thought she would make a good step. So I stepped square on her stomach and then onto the bed. Boy, was she every mad. I got yelled at by the parents and that is about all I remember. Hehe.

day 15 - your favorite tumblrs.
There is only 1 that I really love!
This girl is so random, a little(LOT) sexual, and totally Aussie. Sweet accent!

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