Sunday, March 20, 2011

day 18 - your beliefs.

I believe in:
  • honesty
  • myself
  • respect for others
  • being empathetic and sympathetic
  • spontaneity
  • music's healing abilities
  • art's expressive abilities
  • the beauty of everyday life
  • the fact that there is kindness in everyone's hearts
  • people's abilities to change
  • karma
  • a god
  • hard work leading to good consequences
  • passing stories along from generation to generation
  • animals being smarter than we believe
  • love
  • doing good deeds just to make someone smile
  • 'Chinese food' as a cure for sadness
  • laughter being the best medicine
  • ice cream/cake being a cure for stress
  • that one small act of kindness can go a long way
  • the idea that everyone we meet makes an impact on our lives
  • pet therapy
  • the idea that if we all make an effort, we can save the world.

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