Monday, March 14, 2011

day 12 - bullet your whole day.

  • Wake up to 6:15 alarm, press snooze
  • Repeat until 6:45. Decide to sleep in and skip first period.
  • Wake up to shaking by Zach. Push him away and ask for 15 more minutes
  • Wake up to Zach. Ignore him until I get up.
  • Take shower. Put on makeup. Get dressed
  • Pack bag for school, leave for school.
  • Walk to train station while talking to Lizzy who took the same elevator as me down to main.
  • Get off train, go to gym to sign up elliptical.
  • Walk to class, sit down, compare homework with Shane.
  • Sit through 2 classes, then walk to gym.
  • Change, then rowing, leg machines, elliptical. Change.
  • Check mark on soils after failing to find a working computer twice.
  • Call Zach after finding out I aced the exam.
  • Wander around aimlessly, getting Tim Hortons at some point.
  • Sit through boring seminar and train home.
  • Shower #2. Then bed and TV.
  • Drive to choir. Sing and feel awesome. Drive home.
  • Study for transportation potential quiz tomorrow. Go to bed.

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