Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 22 - how have you changed in the past 2 years?
  • Settled down from crazy party drinking girl to somewhat only slightly crazy non-party for the most part girl.
  • I stress out wayyyy less than I used to about school.
  • I've become an adult and realized how much my actions can affect others and my future.
  • More responsible with money.
  • I've stopped taking things for granted and actually appreciate how amazing my life is.
  • I care a lot more about the events happening around the world.
  • I don't care how accepted I am in social surroundings anymore.
  • I realize that if people don't like me when I act myself, they can suck it.
  • I drink way more Tim Hortons.
  • I care way more about being healthy-working out and eating right.
  • If donating blood saves 3 lives, I don't care about being sick for a week.
  • Gaining respect for others and how much they do for me and others surrounding them.
  • Realizing being superficial isn't going to get me anywhere in life.
  • Found out the importance of maintaining good friendships.

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