Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'You don't seem impressed with me so I'll text you later' - Josh
Nooooo. You don't think it would take 10 one word answers in a row to get my point across.
Although he is currently unemployed because his boss is in the hospital with cancer, I still hate it when people don't look for a job right away. If I had no income and was also not going to school, I would be bored and annoyed at my useless life.
Honestly, a guy without a job is so unattractive to me, especially after the whole Zach situation. Not having a job is a total sign of not being motivated in anything and being utterly and completely lazy.
I mean, here I am, I earned my scholarships in first year. I worked hard to get into engineering co-op so that I could pay for my own tuition and living, food, and recreational expenses. And then there are the people who don't work and mooch everything off their parents. I mean, when you're a student, you have a legit excuse. But when you don't go to school, being unemployed is not a reasonable way to live.
I work, volunteer, go to school, play intramurals, and go to choir while maintaining a social life. Don't you dare say you don't have time to work AND do other things.
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