Monday, November 28, 2011

I've realized that choir is like my wall socket.
I'm like my laptop.
I am constantly being used and running while my power drains and drains.
Doing several things at once and keeping things open makes me drain faster, while closing the lid puts me to sleep which drains me slower.
But in the end, without my charger, I die.
Choir is my charger. It recharges me for the entire week.
Every Monday, I feel rejuvenated when I come home from choir.
And I love it.
I love the 2 hours I spend socializing with the oldies.
I love how I am becoming more interested in the behind the scenes work, especially now that I am on the promotions and advertising committee.
I love it.
I have passion for choir. I do I do I do.

1 comment:

AN said...

YAY!!!! Passion is a wonderful thing. I'm happy you've got it for choir!

Sing every day and it'll be like running with a power cord plugged in! :D