So I took Shane off my reading list... Or so I hope.
This is a long rant about him.
I have told my story about Friday already.
And it really bothers me that he can't get over it.
I hate that his self esteem is so low that he doesn't realize that if he really wanted to, he could meet girls or guys and date them.
And I hate how he makes me feel guilty if I don't hang out with him.
And he constantly disses Josh to me or whoever I talk about being attracted to.
Like seriously, get over it. You don't need to be jealous. Just be a friend and hold back your real opinions when they are based off nothing but your jealousy. UGH.
If I'm happy, he should be happy for me.
That's why I feel like he isn't really my friend.
I am almost to the point where I only hang out with him because I feel guilty if I don't and he is just a loner with nothing to do.
So I hang out with him so that he will at least have one friend.
Rachelle is also to that point, and we're starting to have our doubts about having invited him to Australia with us. If we go to Australia, and he still gets jealous about me hanging out with other guys and talking to randoms, then it's going to make my trip unenjoyable.
Also, Shane tried coke over the summer, and now he always brags about it and talks about doing drugs as if it is cool.
He brags about it to EVERYONE. And that's what Rachelle really hates. He talks about it to everyone, even people that he barely knows.
We were out having drinks with our scuba instructors on Friday night, and Thane, our old man instructor was saying keep the drugs until you're old so people can't tell if you're just suffering from dementia or actually high. Like doing coke, blah blah blah, and Shane was like, It's fun to do coke when you're young too! Ugh. Who does that. You should not be proud of the fact that you've done coke. It is not something to be proud of. AT ALL.
Another thing that bothers me is that he thinks it is okay to be depressing all the time. The reason he says he hates himself is so that other people will comfort him and compliment. Fishing for compliments is not something you should do on a regular basis. NEVER EVER. Maybe on a real down day where you feel bad about everything and need someone to lift your spirits, but he brings up his unattractiveness up ALL THE TIME. Just so I have to deal with it. There's only so many times I can say, No Shane, you're not ugly, before I start just ignoring it and don't offer a compliment in return. But being the nice person I am, I try to still compliment him because if I don't, it suddenly gets worse, because then he goes (inside his head) OMG, she didn't try to make me feel better, I must actually be ugly. BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Blegh. I'm glad I'm going to work in January. We won't see each other as much and that will be really nice. The only times we will hang out will be when I want to hang out, which is perfect! JANUARYYYYYY.
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