Monday, November 28, 2011

Just renamed my blog and took off the security. Hopefully no one finds my blog, but if they do, at least they'll know who I truly am?
I have been absolutely exhausted this weekend.
I don't know whether it was the drinking or if it is my body just being tired.
It's been a while since I worked out, meaning Friday, but I just lack motivation to go to the gym right now. I'm overwhelmed with homework and I want to sleep.
I only have 6 more days of classes, and then a 4 day weekend followed by 5 exams in a row from the 12th to the 16th.
I CANNOT. I repeat CANNOT wait to be done exams.
This semester hasn't been all that bad, but it has been emotionally and physically draining for me, and I could not be more excited to start work and meet some new people.
I think this weekend was a good start to meeting new people.
I realize how amazing it is to learn about random people that I meet at the bar, no matter how drunk I am or how drunk they are. It's fun, and I'm young and that's what I want to do.
Australia is going to be absolutely amazing.

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