Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I realize that the only thing stopping me from getting a tattoo is the thought that I won't be able to donate blood for half a year afterwards.
So... The question is, save 9 people's lives, or get a tattoo that doesn't really do much except remind me to take a breath, step back, and remember the beauty of life.
What do you think? I'd either get the word clarity in handwriting in white ink on my left pointer finger or I'm thinking I might get the infinite love symbol (as on the bottom of my blog layout) somewhere maybe on my left wrist.
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1 comment:

AN said...

Can you donate blood in a foreign country? If not, maybe you can get your tattoo before Australia and not have to feel guilty about not saving some extra lives.

Plus, you've already donated so much more than the average person...so it probably is okay if you take a break for half a year...

So if you're sure you want one, I'd say go for it!