Saturday, November 12, 2011

So I went out tonight completely sober the whole time with Tabitha who only had one drink.
We went to Billy Bobs and made fun of people for an hour and a half.
It was a blast.
Then we got hit on by guys who tried to invite us to their 'after party' which really means us and them and them trying to get us drunk enough to sleep with them. Blech.
Here's how the convo went:

Them: Hey! Why aren't you guys dancing?
Me: We're making fun of hillbillies!
Them: What's your name?
Me: Keela!
Them: Who's your friend?
Me: Daisy! (Haha. I couldn't think of any other fake names...)
They try to shake Tabitha's hand.
Me: Oh my gosh! You guys know Howie Mandel? She's a total germaphobe like him!
Them: Oh.
So they air shake her hand.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then the one guy Brad tried to get my number but I got his instead and then they left.
OMG. Red Deer boys never fail to make me laugh my arse off.

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