Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Next time I wear a sleeveless shirt to class, I should probably remember to shave my armpits in the morning.
Today seems like it is going to be a slow and uneventful day.
I finally woke up early enough to go to class, only because I had to hand in homework that was due at 8 a.m.
So I am going to go to class for 4 and a half hours, then I have a half hour break in which I will eat a delicious sub from Subway, and then a seminar for an hour.
Afterwards, I'm gonna head to Ten Thousand Villages where I left my water bottle (hopefully it's still there), and then go home and do homework.
FINALLY! Exciting part! I get to play in the finals for water polo at 8!
I'm so excited!!! I hope we win and get free t-shirts!!! I would love one.
Then I'm going to sleep. I've found it really difficult to fall asleep lately, and I think it's been the lack of activity. I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow morning before class. Hopefully that will help me go to sleep a little bit easier.
Have a good day ladies!

1 comment:

AN said...

Eep! I hope you have a good night of rest tonight!!!