Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ha! I must be the silliest girl of all time.
But... here's the story for today:
Wrote exam.
Got home from exam.
Studied a bit.
Took a 2 and a half hour nap.
Studied some more.
Got a text "I was going to ask you if you want to go for fro yo, but you're probably busy studying."
Um.. Who am I to refuse free fro yo? So I sent back "It's an open book exam, I have time."
Prof guy came and got me at the apartment and we walked to Tutti Frutti and got some delicious frozen yogurt.
We wandered around and chatted and ate our desserts, then he came and watched TV (the Real World) with me for a bit.
After my nap, I was already over the whole yesterday thing, after being distracted by it ALL morning (including in my exam). But when we were watching TV, he apologized for yesterday.
He took all the blame, and said it really shouldn't have happened.
(HA! I WIN!)
I had to get back to studying, so he left soon after.
And then I skyped Josh. Haha. Juggling guys? That's totally my thing right?

1 comment:

AN said...

They should be your roommates instead of Jen and whatshisface. Then all would be well! No need to juggle. They're right there!