Sunday, December 11, 2011

Today was a pretty darn good day.
Stayed over at prof guy's home last night after the concert and feast of Wok Box food.
Got a nutritiously mooched breakfast at his home.
Two slices of toast, grapes, and pineapple :)
AND a glass of milk!
I got home around 12 30 and then took a shower and studied until 3 30-ish.
Then I took a nap and rested until about 5 30. Then studied until about 10.
Then I took a break to watch Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures on my Video on Demand.
It has one of the Ashmore twins!
Time to quickly skim through some powerpoints, then off to bed and exam tomorrow!
I feel very prepared for this exam, so I hope it goes well. :S

1 comment:

AN said...

Does he have an adult home or a little boy home?

And what does nutritiously mooched eve mean?!?! I assume it means good or rounded or something similar...